No dia 3 de Novembro, o pastor Fernando participou de uma aula sobre igrejas cismáticas e igrejas de reforma, no Centro Cultural e Teológico de Sorocaba, um seminário interdenominacional ligado à Igreja Assembléia de Deus. Ele foi ajudar um grupo de estudantes que falou sobre o culto na Igreja Luterana.
Foi mostrado um pouco da identidade luterana, que é cristocêntrica e enfatiza os meios da graça (Palavra, Batismo e Santa Ceia). O grupo de alunos encenou o culto luterano para que os demais colegas pudessem saber como é o culto nas nossas igrejas. Ao final, os alunos tiveram o privilégio de receberem o livrete “O Que Ensinam os Luteranos” de Cristo Para Todas as Nações (CPTN).
On November 3, pastor Fernando took part on a class about schismatics and reformation churches, in the Culture and Theology Center of Sorocaba, a interdenominational seminary, linked to The Assembly of God Church. He helped a group of students which spoke about the service in the Lutheran Church.
On November 3, pastor Fernando took part on a class about schismatics and reformation churches, in the Culture and Theology Center of Sorocaba, a interdenominational seminary, linked to The Assembly of God Church. He helped a group of students which spoke about the service in the Lutheran Church.
It was showed a little of the Lutheran identity, which is Christ centered and have stress on the means of grace (Word, Baptism, and Lord´s Supper). The group of students played the Lutheran service so that the other colleagues might know how is the service in our churches. At the end, the students had the privilege of receiving the booklets “What Lutherans Teach”, by The Lutheran Hour Ministries in Brazil.