Nos dias 16, 17 e 18 de julho, a Congregação Evangélica Luterana Cristo Rei de Sorocaba-SP promoveu uma Escola Bíblica de Férias. Aqui, o nome do evento é “Recreação Educativa de Férias”, cujo objetivo é divulgar o Evangelho aos pequeninos, dar orientações de cidadania e promover brincadeiras para descontração e entrosamento entre as crianças. Nos três dias, participaram ao todo 14 crianças e nenhuma delas eram luteranas. Que Deus abençoe a semente plantada (ou adubada) em seus corações, para que dê muito fruto para a vida eterna.
On July, from 16 to 18, Cristo Rei Evangelical Lutheran Congregation from Sorocaba-SP had its Vacation Bible School. Here, the event name is Vacation Educational Recreation, whose objective is to share the Gospel with children, to give some citizenship guidance and to promote some plays for relaxation and union among them. In these three days, 14 children were enrolled and none of them were Lutheran. God bless the seed which was sowed (or manured) in their hearts, so that it may bear lots of fruits to eternal life.
On July, from 16 to 18, Cristo Rei Evangelical Lutheran Congregation from Sorocaba-SP had its Vacation Bible School. Here, the event name is Vacation Educational Recreation, whose objective is to share the Gospel with children, to give some citizenship guidance and to promote some plays for relaxation and union among them. In these three days, 14 children were enrolled and none of them were Lutheran. God bless the seed which was sowed (or manured) in their hearts, so that it may bear lots of fruits to eternal life.