No dia 30 de junho, os pastores do Distrito Luterano Paulista se reuniram para estudar a Palavra e se confraternizarem na igreja da Congregação Ebenézer. O estudo foi dirigido pelo pastor Heber Fach, da CEL Ebenézer, e tinha como tema o 2º Mandamento, como exposto no livro “Ética de Cada Dia”, de Martin Carlos Warth. Depois, os pastores e suas esposas se confraternizaram em torno de um belo churrasco.
On June 30 the pastors of Paulista Lutheran District gathered together to study the Word and to fraternize in the Church of Ebenezer Congregation. The biblical reflection was conducted by pastor Heber Fach, of Ebenézer Lutheran Church, and had as theme the 2nd Commandment, as exposed by the book “Ética de Cada Dia” (Today´s Ethics), by Martin Carlos Warth. After that, pastors and their wives fraternized around a great barbecue.
On June 30 the pastors of Paulista Lutheran District gathered together to study the Word and to fraternize in the Church of Ebenezer Congregation. The biblical reflection was conducted by pastor Heber Fach, of Ebenézer Lutheran Church, and had as theme the 2nd Commandment, as exposed by the book “Ética de Cada Dia” (Today´s Ethics), by Martin Carlos Warth. After that, pastors and their wives fraternized around a great barbecue.
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